Devilbend Foundation

Help Us Protect

Bird Monitoring

Devilbend is an important bird area, providing a home for up to 150 blue-billed ducks, one of our rarest birds.
See the full list of birds recorded at Devilbend Natural Features Res.
Above image taken by Karen Emery
Below image take by E.J. Peiker, Nature Photographer

Bird List

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The Need To Protect

The Devilbend Natural Features Reserve includes the largest inland water body on the Mornington Peninsula, providing a valuable habitat for waterbirds and shorebirds. Monitoring has taken place since May 2004, where over 150 species have been recorded - a third of them are closely associated with water. The 300ha reserve gives sanctuary for to up to 150 Blue-billed Ducks, and other rare and vulnerable species, including a pair of breeding White-bellied Sea Eagles and Caspian Terns, both threatened species. 25 Great Crested Grebes have also been sighted, along with 400 Hoary-Headed Grebes.
Around 100 bush birds, including Crested Shrike-tits, Pardolotes, Honeyeaters, Fantails and Thornbills inhabit the woodlands. On fence posts and lower branches, Willie Wagtails & Flame Robins may be encounter, while the Dusky Wood-swallows can be seen perched or flying around old dead trees. The abundance of bird variety is amazing and needs careful monitoring to ensure it's not jeopardised and is still there for future generations.
Bird Monitoring is essential for identifying the species and threats of greatest concern, assessing progress in an effort to conserve biodiversity, and evaluating whether policies and actions are having any impact. Being widespread & responsive to environmental change, birds are useful biodiversity indicators.


Restoration of reeded shallow wetland zones suited to Bitterns, Egrets, Herons, Reed Warblers and Crakes is of paramount importance and all will benefit from restored natural habitat. 20% of birds as well as terrestrial mammals and microbats use hollows so it's important we keep our old growth trees and assist with nesting boxes if required.

Monitoring trends

As a Key Biodiversity Area or KBA, it is important that regular monitoring takes place. Devilbend Foundation community plays an active role in bird population monitoring and keeping track of bird trends. Every month bird numbers are accurately recorded. Population health is vital for a healthy future.

Monthly Monitoring Locations

The drop pins are the waterbird monitoring scan points.
The red line is the woodland bird survey pathway.

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